Friday, March 18, 2016

Esau Father of Edom

Even thou Esau is never mentioned a s a king in the bible, he was indeed the father of the Edomite nation. The name Edom in Hebrew means "red" it is because Esau born red all over like if he were wearing a red garment. Additionally, Edom is not only mentioned in the bible but also in list of the Egyptian pharaoh Seti I and in the battle chronicles of Ramses III. This nation was established at the south of the dead sea.
Esau selling his birthright to Jacob
As we all know Jacob bought the birthright of Esau for a bowl of lentil stew. which made that all the promises of Abraham where now in Jacob hands. Furthermore, Rebekah Instructed Jacob to take advantage of Issac blindness and wear a coat to emulate the hairy skin of his brother. after receiving the blessing of his father Esau was furious and vowed to kill Jacob. for that reason Jacob fled to dwell with his uncle Laban. after several years Esau and Jacob reunited again they reconciled and in cosequence conclude that bitter conflict.
Esau married to a Canaanite woman Named Judith and to Bashemath that was also Canaanite, this decision grieved his parents. for that reason he decides to go to his uncle Ismael house and marry one of his cousins Aholibamah. however, even those actions did not were able to make him the bearer of Abraham blessings.
Esau is know for being the Father of the Edomite nation. the information about the Edomites is scarce, but there are some information that mention that they were wealthy merchants who controlled the market between Egypt and the Levant, south Arabia and Mesopotamia. their economic abilities where exceptional. one reason could be that in the entire Edomite nation water and good land to settle crops were almost nonexistent. However, his location in the kings Highway made them extremely good for commerce.
Due to his richness the Edomites were also target of attacks and loots. in consequence the Edomites developed stronghold cities like the capital Sela, which was a city surrounded by mountains and accesible for only specific ways. the city was also know as "the rock". Moreover, Petra was a city within the Edomite nation but was developed about one thousand years later. but with the same pattern. a city with a narrow access and with big warehouses. that testify of the talent and skill of the Edomites.

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