Friday, February 12, 2016

Melchizedek a Righteous King

 After the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the rescue of Lot by his uncle Abram. The triumphant company set out their journey back home. In the way back home, Bera king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (Genesis 14:17). Where, Melchizedek king of Salem brought bread and wine for the weary men of the Abram company. Although, other kings Melchizedek is a very popular character in the Christian world, as well in the Judaisms and Islam. Hence, he is well know for being the Priest who received Abram tithes and also, blessed him and El Elyon (God Most High, in Canaanite). However, information about Melchizedek genealogy, kingdom, and his regime as king of Salem are almost nonexistent.
Abraham's encounter with Melchizedek - Peter Paul Rubens

The information about the origin of king Melchizedek is relative scarce. Since, the bible does not provide other information other than, he was king of Salem and priest of the Highest God. Nevertheless, there are many hypothesis about his origin.
Melchizedek mosaic in San Vitale Basilica

The first theory, is from a Roman Jewish historian from the first century named Josephus. He mentioned on his book “the Jewish Wars” that Melchizedek was a Canaanite chief, and his name, in Canaanite means melek “king” ṣedeq “righteous”. Furthermore, his kingdom was located in the land of Canaan, which were in the territory inherited by Ham. Which make hard to believe that such prestigious person came from that cursed lineage. However, Melchizedek was a monotheist priest, whom only adored El Elyon (God most High), that definitely contrasted with the Canaanite customs of adoring multiple deities.
Photography of a Roman portrait bust said to be of Josephus, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The second theory is from the Melchizedekites. Who believe that Melchizedek came from the lineage of Shem. Moreover, the Chazalic literature claims that Melchizedek is just a title for Shem son of Noah. Thus, a strong reason to believe that Melchizedek came from a chosen lineage perfect aligned to his priest condition. However, the reason why a descendant of Shem was ruling over Canaan is not totally clear.

 The role of Melchizedek as the king of Salem during the great war between the Mesopotamian kings and the Elamite king Chedorlaomer against the Five king of the Jordan river plains. Are not clear, Salem, does not appear to be oppressed by the infamous Chedorloamer. But, it is widely accepted that was friendly to the kingdoms of the plain. Moreover, the city was in the neighborhood of the valley of Shaveh where Abraham payed his tithes to the priest king, and restored his goods to kng Bera of Sodom. Sugesting the interpretation that Salem was a place of reunion for the near plain's kingdoms, who venerated El Elyon. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia Salem is the ancient name of the city that today we know as Jerusalem. Thus, the importance of the place is reflected in the person of Melchizedek who is portrayed at the same category of the most notable prophets of history.
Jerusalem in the present

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