Thursday, January 28, 2016


When I was a child back in the early 90s, my father used to read a chapter of the Bible to my siblings and me every day. I remember that he gathered us together to lay on the grass under the shade of a Chinese banyan tree and it was an enjoyable experience to hear him reading. I remember closing my eyes just to imagine those great scenes involving kings such as Nebuchadnezzar II king of Babylon, Saul the first king of Israel, Solomon third king of Israel son of David, Herod king of the Herodian kingdom. Those kings were great because of their contributions to the history, but they also had a weak side that made them make mistakes because they were humans after all. 
Recently, I started rereading the Old Testament, but what makes it very interesting is that I want to do it in a more deep way. I want to be able to better understand the story behind the history. In other words, I want to learn more about those kings, their personalities, lives and contributions to the history. It will be interesting primarily because when we talk about the Old Testament, we just think about Adam and Eve, and probably about Moses too but the general conception of the history behind it is broad. Writing here will be a personal aid to keep me researching about something that I am passionate about and to share that research with those who are interested in doing the same. I expect this project to be a miraculous journey to remember those forgotten king.

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